6 Reasons Why You Should Start Blogging This Year

“Should I start a blog?” If this question is on your mind at the moment, then you are in the right place. At the beginning of the year, many people are thinking about their personal and professional goals. Some of you may be thinking of how blogging can help with these goals. Naturally, you might be skeptical about investing a significant amount of time into this new venture. Is it worth your time, considering that there are already over 500 million blogs out there? 

Let’s get one thing out of the way first: Blogging is relevant more than ever, and it’s not too late to start a blog. 77% of all internet users read blogs regularly, and they are considered a trustworthy source of information online. Also, the blogging community is still growing, with 31.7 million bloggers expected to be active in 2020 in the U.S. alone. 

The question is: Will you be one of them? There are many reasons why this creative medium could be right for you. In this first part of our `Better Blogging` series, we’ll start with the top six reasons why you might want to start sharing your story.  

1. Express yourself

Blogging allows you to share your ideas, experiences, and expertise with the world. And the beauty is that you can tell your story just the way you want it to be told. It’s the perfect outlet for self-expression without limits for your creativity. Because your blog is entirely your own, you can communicate what you have to say in any form – not only writing. Artwork, photography, videos, music clips, and even a podcast can be part of your blog, too. 

2. Work on your self-development

Starting and growing a blog is a great challenge that will likely stretch your abilities and help you grow as a person. You’ll pick up some valuable web and marketing skills in addition to building the discipline to keep your blog going beyond that momentous first post. Besides, you’ll also develop your expertise in the field you’re writing about. Every time you work on a new post, you are forced to organize your thoughts and fill any gaps in your knowledge. Writing not only helps you to internalize what you’ve learned but also to refine your own ideas and opinions. 

3. Make the world a better place 

The most meaningful reason to blog is probably the ability to help others and have a positive impact on the world. By generously sharing your expertise and experiences, you can make a difference to the people who are looking for the answers that you already have. Your blog has the power to inspire, educate, and even change someone’s life. Showing others that there’s someone who is on the same journey as they are can provide a much-needed sense of belonging. And even though it may seem like everything has been said before, remember that your story and voice are unique. There’s an audience out there that will respond to the particular way you shed light on a certain topic or issue. 

4. Build authority 

A blog is a great platform to gain exposure in your industry by showcasing your knowledge and expertise. Think about it as a modern version of the printed business card. Regularly publishing relevant, informative content will eventually draw the attention of people in your profession and can earn you the status of an expert and thought-leader. When you strengthen your professional image with a blog, your career can get a powerful boost that opens up new opportunities.

5. Make new friends 

Blogging is much more than a solitary pursuit. It’s a way to connect with like-minded people from all over the world who are passionate about the same topic. You can build relationships with other bloggers in your field, have riveting discussions with your readers in the blog comments, and even organize meetups in real life. Your blog might open the door for new friendships, collaborations, and other opportunities. It’s a reassuring feeling to be part of this dynamic and supportive community. Often, we see people find a real sense of belonging here.  

6. Earn an income 

Becoming a self-employed blogger is still the number one reason for many to follow this road. And some bloggers have grown significant income streams from their blog. While blogging might only replace a full-time salary for some people, it can be an additional source of income for many. 

If you’re considering to monetize your blog, here are the most popular ways to make a profit:

  • Allow advertising on your site with banners or pay-per-click ads.
  • Include affiliate links to earn a commission for each sale that originated on your site.
  • Write sponsored posts reviewing a product or service in return for a fee.
  • Sell digital products such as ebooks and online courses.
  • Sell memberships to an inclusive area of your website.
  • Promote other offers, such as consulting and coaching.

Bonus: In all of these reasons to start a blog, it can’t be forgotten that blogging is the most important activity to create the strongest content marketing strategy to be found in organic online searches.

Will you start a blog this year?

It’s no secret that we at .blog are passionate about blogging. We believe that it’s much more than a rewarding hobby, which brings new opportunities and even unexpected benefits. Blogging is a way of owning your content and being heard, giving everyone a voice regardless of gender, income, politics, language, and location. No matter which of the six reasons becomes your cause, by starting a blog this year, you can play a part in realizing our vision of helping everyone to be heard. Together, we can make a difference.

Luckily, setting up a blog is easier than you might think. When you do get started, consider securing your .blog domain extension. It gives your online presence a quality home by making your URL memorable and relevant. And if you ever get stuck, you can rely on us for support, guidance, and fresh ideas. We are here with you for every step of this exciting journey. 

Happy blogging!