Guest Post: Lilyotron on .blog

Welcome to our very first guest post on We’ve long known that the .blog’osphere is rich in thoughtful content, stellar writing, and a diverse range of topics, perspectives, and experiences. We are always thinking about how we can shine a light on our favorite dotbloggers, and this new series allows us to do just that. A special thank you to Lily Snyder for contributing our first guest post.

By Lily Snyder of

My blogging journey began in fits and starts. I attempted a blog way back on Blogger. I had recently graduated college and started my first post-grad job. I wanted to write about what I was doing and apply the management styles and project techniques I learned in college to the job. But, after an unfortunate post that led me to part ways with that position, I took a break from blogging.

A few months later, I was hired as a business analyst (my official first job out of college) for Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES). I just had to write about that! 

We were given a book to read, The Perfect Plant, and I thought that would be a safe topic to blog about. I didn’t have any aspirations at the time of affiliate marketing or making money from ad banners (can you tell this was the early 2000s?). Life got busy and my Blogger site lies in the dusty domain of the Internet.

A few years later I started up again—this time on WordPress. I saw they had a .blog domain and it spoke to me. I wanted to write about professional topics but I also wanted to have fun. I felt like I could do that with the .blog domain. 

My blog post introducing

I wrote about MES, IT projects, and systems. Suddenly my blog posts were getting comments! Other people who worked in the industry followed my blog and liked my posts. It inspired me to write more. I started to relax with my posts and write in my own voice. The memory of getting in trouble for a blog post still haunted me. But blogging offered me something more than my job could and would eventually lead to opportunities I could only dream of. 

Key learnings and insights

The thing about writing is that the more you do it, the more confident you get about it. Not just how you put sentences and paragraphs together, but how you express thoughts, make arguments, and even have fun. 

Some key lessons I’ve learned in over a decade of blogging:

  • If you’re writing about anything related to the people you work with (especially your manager), you might want to clear it with them first.
  • Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. Most of the comments I receive are positive or supportive but sometimes you get a rude one. Don’t let that stop you. It’s your blog!
  • Share, link, re-post, and re-write your content. It doesn’t take too long to build up an archive and lose some gems in the backlog of posts. 
  • Something you may be scared to post might become your most-viewed post.
  • It’s OK to switch niches. You’ll find your community in the process.

My blog has gone through a few different themes over the years. That’s because my life has taken twists and turns. I went from writing about IT manufacturing to virtual reality and working in a startup. When I had my son, I quit my startup. I was afraid I wouldn’t have anything to blog about because my work was my content. So, I wrote about being a military spouse and mother. 

My submission features on Military Moms Blog

I continued to write about virtual reality. I reviewed books and was invited to speak. For the first time in my life, I wasn’t tied to a company, so I could say exactly what I thought about the industry. Suddenly, people were reaching out to me for advice about their VR projects. I landed my first client (who still is today) who asked me to do some writing for her. 

My blog, which I thought was dead, became alive again. I was blogging almost daily about virtual and augmented reality, emerging technology, and its impact on businesses like manufacturing and marketing. Sticking with my blog launched me into my career 3.0. 

My blogging tips and advice for bloggers

There are a lot of people who know how to start a blog. If you want your blog to make money, there are templates for that like how to use affiliate programs, guest posts, and sponsored posts. I would suggest, if you’re starting today ask yourself, what are you blogging for? 

  • Are you blogging for fun?
  • Do you want to be a thought leader?
  • Do you want to use a blog as a testing ground for a side project?
  • Do you want to make money? 

For any blog to be successful, you have to be true to yourself. Write about what’s important to you, something you have a lot of knowledge about, topics that don’t take a lot of research to write. That’s probably your niche. 

Tips for Aspiring Bloggers

  • Follow other bloggers. These could be bloggers in your niche or any blog you enjoy. That could be the style of the blogger, how they format their posts and their style. I learned about blogging challenges by following people out of my niche and was able to apply those challenges to my blog. 
  • Learn how to write for the web. That means using bullets and numbers, writing in shorter paragraphs, and using headers. Styles change on how many images or infographics to use. I see a lot of text-based blogs these days. That can still have a lot of impact playing with fonts. 
  • Share your work. Share your posts on your socials. Email them out. Ask people for feedback, to comment, and like your posts. It still feels weird when I do it but it’s a noisy world out there. To be noticed you have to be proactive.

Blogging Challenges 

There have been so many times over the years where I thought I would never have anything to write about. But then I read a book or someone else’s post, maybe something will happen at work and inspiration will strike. Sometimes, I’ll start writing, and the first paragraph will be fire…and then fizzle out. Sometimes blogging takes research or interviewing someone, but that helps complete a post. When I’m stuck, I use ChatGPT to brainstorm ideas or create outlines. But I still have to be passionate about the topic, even if AI helps me. 

Connect with your audience

There are a lot of fun ways to connect with your audience. Respond to comments in a thoughtful, timely manner. Add a contact form or way for readers to get in touch. WordPress has fun, interactive features like “claps” so people can interact with your posts if they don’t want to comment. One way I’ve enjoyed interacting with my audience is by adding guest posts to my site.

Dot blogging into the future

My blog will always be an outlet for me. My posting schedule ebbs and flows and I’ve decided that’s OK. It’s there when I need it. Nowadays I have so many posts, I’ve been going back and updating old ones to be more recent. I reshare them and no one knows the difference. It’s exciting to see interaction on posts I originally wrote years ago. 

As immersive technology becomes mainstream, there will always be something to write about. That reminds me. I have to make a post about my demo of the Apple Vision Pro… 



.blog Returns to Nordic Domain Days in 2024

After a year filled with blogging innovation and collaboration, there is one event that we are firmly circling in our calendars: Nordic Domain Days (NDD) 2024, which returns to Stockholm from May 13-14. 

NDD 2024 stands out as a celebration of knowledge, networking, and growth.

What is Nordic Domain Days?

For anyone involved in the domain name world, NDD is more than an event; it’s a hub of ideas, insights, and introductions for registries, registrars, resellers, service providers, and investors. Prepare to dive deep into discussions and return home with a wealth of knowledge and new connections.

NDD has become an inspirational event thanks to its visionary founder, LG Forsberg, and team. NDD is a community where the brightest minds of the domain industry come together. Forsberg’s passion and leadership make NDD an unmissable gathering.

How .blog is Getting Involved 

This year, Automattic’s own Paolo Belcastro will join the speaker line-up, and we are thrilled to announce that .blog is a Gold Sponsor. We also invite you to join us at the Grand Social event and have a cocktail on us. This event is the perfect place to relax, unwind, and mingle with peers in a casual setting. The conversation will flow freely, and the evening lights of Stockholm are ready to complement the sparkling ideas we share.

Make sure you use our discount code for 20% off your registration. Just visit and add NDD-2024-BLOG-20 to the discount code box when choosing your ticket.

.blog Featured Site: is a space where faith, positivity, and creativity come together. Blogger, Elaine presents an intimate reflection of her life as a Christian parent. By sharing her journey, experiences, and creative passions, Elaine aims to inspire and uplift her readers. Her readers can find spiritual encouragement, parenting insights, and a dose of creativity. Elaine’s warm, inviting tone sets the stage for like-minded families to find sunshine every day.

What is the blog about?

Elaine offers an eclectic mix of content. She covers religion, home life, interior decor, and her own creative calligraphy. She also shares her favorite reads. 

Her blog provides creative inspiration and spiritual insights, with a community focus that encourages reader interaction. Readers can find anything from gift ideas to book recommendations, art inspiration, and family activities. blog.

What makes it special?

Elaine weaves her unique blend of hobbies and interests into a cohesive, engaging blog. She expresses her passion for lettering, reading, and her faith, as well as her dedication to raising her family. This creates a distinct, personal touch that resonates with her audience. It shows how individual passions can be brought together to create a blog that is uniquely your own.

Elaine’s blog also demonstrates personal storytelling through hobbies and interests. 

Her approach encourages audiences to see the value in their unique stories and hobbies. Her blog shows how they can inspire and connect with others. Through, Elaine reminds us that our individual experiences and interests hold power.

What to steal?

  • Selling products through your blog? Explain the creative process behind your craft. This will generate interest and, in turn, more sales.
  • Use relevant affiliate links to make some extra cash from your blog.


A Blogger’s Guide to Effective Research

Good research can help you create content that resonates with and informs your audience. In this guide, we look at the art of research and give you the tools, techniques, and sources. From efficient research methods to source-checking and using data to write unique stories, let’s master the research skills that will captivate your audience.

Understanding Your Audience

Understanding your audience is key. It helps you create content that resonates deeply and connects with readers. Tailor your blog posts to your readers’ needs, interests, and challenges. Develop an understanding of your audience. Then, you can make content that speaks to their interests and needs. Here are some tools that can help.

Analytics Tools

Use tools like Google Analytics to examine your audience’s demographics more deeply. Understand their age, location, interests, and behavior on your blog.

Surveys and Polls

Direct feedback is so useful. Use surveys or polls on your blog or social media platforms. Ask for readers’ favorite topics, feedback, and suggestions. Engagement

Dive into the comments section of your blog. Chat with your audience on social media. Pay attention to email feedback. These are rich sources of information about your audience’s wants, questions, and passion points.

Starting Your Research

Start by defining your topic or idea clearly. Consider what questions your audience may have or what problems they’re looking to solve. Once you’ve honed in on a specific theme, it’s time to gather information. Start by exploring reputable sources such as industry publications, academic journals, and reliable websites. Take notes, highlight key points, and collect relevant data that will add value to your content. Don’t forget to leverage different mediums like podcasts, videos, and infographics to gain a comprehensive understanding of your topic. Remember, thorough research is the foundation upon which compelling and informative blog posts are built.

Experimenting with Effective Research Methods

Here are some research methods and techniques to explore.

  • Review: Review existing research to build a solid foundation for your blog posts. Summarize and explain the research, giving your audience context and background.
  • Surveys and interviews: Talk with your audience or industry experts through surveys or interviews.
  • Observational research: Explore real-world events or behaviors. This can help you create original content and is especially effective for topics such as social trends, user behavior, or market dynamics.

Translating Your Research into Engaging Content

Your research is a gold mine of information, but how you present it makes all the difference. Storytelling can explain complex ideas in a relatable way, holding your audience’s attention from start to finish. Weave your data and insights into compelling stories. Aim for clarity and simplicity. Break down complicated ideas into small chunks for your readers.

You can also break up text and make your points with images, charts, and infographics. Visual aids add aesthetic appeal and make information more digestible and memorable.

Citing Sources and Providing References

Always tell your readers where the research came from. By citing sources, you’ll maintain credibility. 

Always credit the original authors or creators of any data, ideas, or quotes you use. This builds trust with your audience and can also help you avoid legal issues. When possible, link to your sources. This allows readers to learn more and shows your content is authentic.

Presenting Your Findings

The structure of your content matters. Structure makes content effective and readable. Use headings and subheadings to guide readers through the content. Bullet points can highlight key ideas or summarize important points.

Lead your audience smoothly from the introduction through the body to the end. Remember to add examples or case studies. These real-life stories improve your points and make complex points easier for the reader to understand.

Review and Revision

This is the final step before publishing your blog post. It is as critical as the research and writing. Review and revise your content so that it presents accurate and credible information. It’s important to be meticulous. Fine-tune your story to make sure your message is effective. Publish work that is free of errors.

Conducting Self-Revision and Peer Review

The review and revision stage will make your blog post the best it can be. Check that research is correct, points are easy to understand, and your writing is clear and compelling. 

  • Self-revision: After completing your draft, take a break to clear your mind. Return with fresh eyes. This can help you spot errors or areas that need clarification.
  • Peer review: Get feedback from friends, colleagues, or even your audience. This can give you new views of your work. They may find gaps in your logic, confusing sections, or have extra questions that your post can answer.
  • Use feedback: Constructive criticism is a goldmine for improvement. Use the feedback you get thoughtfully. Refine your post to make it clearer and more engaging. Remember, the goal is to make your content informative and reader-friendly.

In conclusion, mastering the art of research helps you create content that engages and enlightens your audience. Use research, find good sources, and turn facts into fun stories. Try some of these techniques to turn your content into a reliable and respected source for loyal readers.

.blog Featured Site:

Journey with Jeremy, a passionate filmmaker from Singapore. He shares his trek along the historic El Camino de Santiago on More than a travel blog – it’s a personal journey that brings to life Jeremy’s winter adventures on the Camino Frances route. Dive into this unique documentary-style blog for an up-close look at a centuries-old pilgrimage through Jeremy’s eyes.

What is the blog about? is a source of info and inspiration for both seasoned and aspiring pilgrims of El Camino de Santiago. Jeremy offers a treasure trove of insights. From essential tips and detailed maps to heartfelt narratives from his journey. 

Jeremy uses vivid storytelling and documentary skills. He draws in anyone fascinated by the Camino’s rich history or the personal transformation that often accompanies such a journey. Originally a way to keep friends and family in the loop on his travels, the blog is now a comprehensive resource for a global audience.

What makes it special?

Some experiences are so transformative that they deserve their own dedicated blog. Jeremy blogs regularly on his personal blog about his work as a filmmaker but chose to give this trip its own blog. This gives the blog a focused and immersive feel.

Jeremy offers two paths to readers entering the blog; ‘Starting’, and ‘Journey’. The Starting section offers advice and his own experience in preparing for the journey, and “Journey” is a real-time account of his travels.  

Jeremy delves into the ‘why’ behind the pilgrimage. He offers practical advice on preparation and shares the emotional rollercoaster of his own journey. He brings emotion and reflection to the narrative. His personal reflections and interactions with fellow travelers in the comments sections bring his story to life.

What to steal?

  • Planning a once-in-a-lifetime trip or special life event? Why not commemorate it with its own blog?
  • Think about your audience and how they might interact with your blog. Structure your blog to easily guide visitors to the content they came to discover.


.blog Featured Site:

Are you ready for the Paris 2024 Olympics? certainly is! In this post, we showcase a blog created by self-described superfans of Olympic Hospitality Houses who had struggled to find information on the different houses. So they came up with an idea for a blog that puts it all in one place. 

What is the blog about?

Olympic Hospitality Houses are a unique feature of the Games, where participating countries showcase their culture and cuisine. They’re not just for athletes and officials anymore – fans can now join the fun with events featuring DJs, pools, and bars. These houses have evolved from simple hubs to vibrant venues promoting tourism during the Olympics. is a specialized resource that provides details of Olympic hospitality houses at the upcoming Olympics in Paris. Visitors to the blog can search for hospitality houses by country, by sporting event, or on a map of Paris that shows where each hospitality house is located. 

The site also shares general news about the Olympics. This includes sneak peeks into the Olympic villages, offering fans the potential to enhance their Olympic experience. This makes it an essential tool for those planning to visit the hospitality houses and anyone interested in the broader aspects of the Olympic Games.

What makes it special?

As well as its unique niche, stands out with its attractive and fun website design. It instantly engages visitors. The bright and colorful design makes the site visually appealing. It is also user-friendly and easy to navigate, with just a few well-organized categories guiding users to the info they need. is a living, breathing resource that is updated in real time. As more hospitality houses come online or tickets go on sale for events, new information is added, and regular blog posts highlight what’s new. The creators of this blog also invite readers to submit any intel they have on new hospitality houses.   

But also shows us that a blog doesn’t have to be forever.  Once the Olympics draws to a close, this blog will have served its purpose as a guide to all things Hospitality Houses. It will then live on as a memento of Paris 2024.

What to steal?

  • Use color and pattern to make your website design eye-catching and engaging.
  • Encourage readers to donate to support your ongoing projects via a Donate button.
  • Encourage readers to contribute via a contact form.


Five Blog Design Trends for 2024

Great design can help captivate readers, and a blog becomes more than just words on a screen. Design creates an experience, a journey for the reader. In this article, we take a look at design elements that we expect to see more of in 2024.

Interactive elements

Interactive elements include micro-interactions and personalized buttons. They are one of the main trends we predict more of across the blogosphere in 2024. Microinteractions are small, engaging animations or effects that happen in response to user actions. They can be subtle, like a color change on a button when you hover over it. Or it might be an animated progress bar showing how much of an article remains. They enhance the user’s experience, making navigation more intuitive and enjoyable.

Personalized buttons take this a step further. Imagine visiting a blog and seeing a button that seems tailored just for you. It changes based on your previous interactions with the site. These buttons adapt to user preferences and behavior. For example, if you often share articles on social media, a personalized button might appear to facilitate this action more seamlessly. Or, if you’re a return visitor, the button might suggest a new article in a series that you’ve been following.

These elements create a more immersive experience. They encourage users to interact more deeply with the content rather than passively scrolling. By responding to individual user actions and preferences, blogs can create a sense of connection and engagement. This makes each visit unique and personal.

Visual storytelling

High-quality images and videos, visual elements are crucial for effective storytelling. A well-chosen image or a short video conveys emotion and context. It is often faster and more effective than words. Images do more than just accompany text; they bring stories to life. 

A study by 3M found that our brains process images 60,000 times faster than text. Visuals are a powerful tool for bloggers to communicate their message quickly and memorably. High-quality visuals also enhance engagement. They encourage readers to spend more time on a page interacting with the content. 

Visuals can also break up the monotony of text, making your blog more visually appealing and easier to digest. They act as anchor points that guide readers through a narrative. This creates a more immersive and emotional connection. In essence, incorporating high-quality images and videos is an effective storytelling strategy.

Personal branding

Bloggers are personalizing their sites to stand out in a crowded digital space. In 2024, make your mark with unique logos, color schemes, and branding elements. They create the foundation of a blogger’s brand identity.

A distinctive logo acts as the face of the blog. It is instantly recognizable and conveys the blog’s personality. Color schemes and design elements further express a blogger’s style and values. These personalized touches make a blog memorable. 

Logos in 2024 can be interactive, dynamic, and sometimes even incorporate AI elements to adapt to different contexts. Choose color schemes based on advanced color psychology. Tailor them to evoke specific emotions and reactions from readers. 

This trend reflects an understanding of the power of visual identity in the digital age. In a sea of content, a distinctive, interactive brand identity helps bloggers create a memorable digital footprint. Creating an experience that resonates with the audience on a personal level is the key to creating a blog that stands out.

Accessibility and inclusivity

Accessibility is a fundamental aspect of blogging, ensuring that content is available and usable by everyone, regardless of their abilities or disabilities. This is a recognition of the diverse needs of audiences and the ethical responsibility of bloggers and creators to prioritize digital inclusivity. This should inform every aspect of modern blog design. Text-to-speech functionality, for example, has become more sophisticated, offering a more natural and engaging listening experience. We can carefully select font choices and color contrasts to improve readability. Finally, we can seamlessly integrate keyboard navigation and voice commands. This ensures blogs are easier to use for readers with motor impairments.

Inclusivity also extends to content representation. Blogs in 2024 are consciously including diverse voices and perspectives, ensuring that content resonates with a broader audience. By designing with accessibility and inclusivity at the forefront, bloggers are building communities that reflect and respect the diversity of their audience. This trend is a testament to the evolving ethos of the digital world. They create a world where everyone has a right to access information and share collective knowledge.

Integrating social media

Modern blogs are part of a larger digital ecosystem. Integrating social media feeds directly into a blog layout allows readers to see real-time updates. They can engage with content without leaving the blog. This integration provides a dynamic, interactive experience, keeping the content fresh and relevant.

Advanced, adaptive sharing buttons can now suggest the most suitable social platforms. We can base this on the content of the blog and the user’s sharing history. They also offer personalized call-to-actions, encouraging readers to share content in a way that feels natural and intuitive.

This trend goes beyond increasing traffic. It’s about creating a cohesive online presence. As the lines between different digital spaces blur, a seamless connection between blogs and social media is crucial. By bridging this gap, bloggers can foster a stronger community, encouraging cross-platform interaction and engagement. 

Looking forward into the landscape of blog design in 2024, it’s clear that these trends reflect a deeper understanding of user engagement, inclusivity, and digital identity. As the world of digital content continues to evolve, staying informed about current design practices is key for any blogger looking to make an impact in the ever-changing digital space.

.blog Featured Site: is the creative space of Allison, a self-taught amigurumi artist. She has transformed her hobby into a thriving small business. Her blog showcases a wide range of crochet tips, free patterns, tutorials, and much more. It is the perfect digital destination for crochet enthusiasts.

What is the blog about?

At its heart, focuses on the intricate art of amigurumi crochet. This is the charming Japanese craft of creating small, stuffed yarn creatures. It’s a haven for crochet fans of all skill levels. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re a seasoned hook-wielder, Allison’s blog has something for you. 

Allison consistently engages her audience with an abundance of creative inspiration, practical guidance, and invaluable resources. Her detailed patterns and expert tips are perfect for anyone learning how to craft their own adorable crochet creations. Allison’s personal journey also weaves through the fabric of her blog. Her story is a testament to the power of creativity and perseverance. She offers insights for those aspiring to turn their passion into a thriving venture.

What makes it special? stands out for its dedicated focus on amigurumi and diverse range of patterns from cute characters to charming everyday items. The blog is a treasure trove of crochet knowledge. It can help beginners and experts alike to master the subtleties of the craft. 

Allison is present across multiple platforms including YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram, and creates unique content for each. In addition, there are her shops on Etsy, Ribblr, and Ravelry, plus a crochet course in Teachable. Allison’s wide digital reach directs more and more people back to her blog. 

Adding to its charm, the blog encourages interaction by inviting users to share their creations on social media. This fosters a sense of community and cleverly promotes audience engagement. Shoppers can buy detailed PDF patterns at too. Ultimately, Allison’s shop is a savvy business model.

What to steal?

  • Offer free content, like Allison’s tutorials and patterns.
  • Share personal anecdotes. Create an engaging and educational experience for readers.


.blog Featured Site: is a blog dedicated to all things beard related. Run by Michael, a beard aficionado with a passion for well-maintained facial hair, the blog offers advice and tips for people with beards, or those on their beard-growth journey.

What is the blog about?

Michael views beard maintenance as an art form. He wants to help others grow healthy beards with confidence, and is his platform.

The blog is for anyone who wants to know more about how to grow a beard and how to look after it. Whether you’ve been growing yours for years or are thinking about curating a new look with your facial hair, can help. Michael’s content speaks to beard lovers at all stages of the journey.

What makes it special?

Michael dedicates his time to researching and experimenting with products and seeking out trends, ideas, and inspiration for beard styling and care. Then, he shares his findings in the form of tips and advice blogs for his followers to benefit from. 

By bonding over a shared love for beards, Michael’s readers become part of a community.

What to steal?

  • Choose a short and memorable domain name that will stick in your audience’s mind and work with your niche. 
  • Immediately capture your visitors’ interest with a “bold” hero image and a simple call to action.


.blog Featured Site: OECD

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) provides insights and data that influence decisions made by governments worldwide. The reports the OECD publishes are technical and often dense. But the information they contain could be of interest to just about anyone. 

This is where steps in. A companion to OECD Data Explorer (formerly known as OECD.stat), the blog acts as a bridge. It makes complex statistical topics simple and turns data into easy-to-understand stories. It is a blog for everyone – academic or not.

What is the blog about?

The OECD uses statistics to assess how economies and societies are evolving. It provides evidence that informs international governmental decisions. offers a window into economic and social trends. 

The blog is a spotlight on the OECD’s work. It turns detailed research reports into accessible blog posts. From understanding the impact of COVID-19 to exploring inequality or analyzing the situation in Ukraine, spans a broad spectrum of public-interest topics.

What makes it special?

From unraveling inflation to shedding light on labor market trends, invites readers to explore complex topics and helps users question and engage with the subjects that shape our world. 

The blog gives readers access to the extensive OECD Data Explorer database. It extracts key insights and presents them in a reader-friendly manner.

What to steal?

  • Share your top trending themes so that they are easily discoverable.
  • Spotlight recent articles to help readers understand what’s new and topical. This is especially important for high-content blogs. Spotlights help new readers explore without feeling overwhelmed.
