Guest Post: Lilyotron on .blog

Welcome to our very first guest post on We’ve long known that the .blog’osphere is rich in thoughtful content, stellar writing, and a diverse range of topics, perspectives, and experiences. We are always thinking about how we can shine a light on our favorite dotbloggers, and this new series allows us to do just that. A special thank you to Lily Snyder for contributing our first guest post.

By Lily Snyder of

My blogging journey began in fits and starts. I attempted a blog way back on Blogger. I had recently graduated college and started my first post-grad job. I wanted to write about what I was doing and apply the management styles and project techniques I learned in college to the job. But, after an unfortunate post that led me to part ways with that position, I took a break from blogging.

A few months later, I was hired as a business analyst (my official first job out of college) for Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES). I just had to write about that! 

We were given a book to read, The Perfect Plant, and I thought that would be a safe topic to blog about. I didn’t have any aspirations at the time of affiliate marketing or making money from ad banners (can you tell this was the early 2000s?). Life got busy and my Blogger site lies in the dusty domain of the Internet.

A few years later I started up again—this time on WordPress. I saw they had a .blog domain and it spoke to me. I wanted to write about professional topics but I also wanted to have fun. I felt like I could do that with the .blog domain. 

My blog post introducing

I wrote about MES, IT projects, and systems. Suddenly my blog posts were getting comments! Other people who worked in the industry followed my blog and liked my posts. It inspired me to write more. I started to relax with my posts and write in my own voice. The memory of getting in trouble for a blog post still haunted me. But blogging offered me something more than my job could and would eventually lead to opportunities I could only dream of. 

Key learnings and insights

The thing about writing is that the more you do it, the more confident you get about it. Not just how you put sentences and paragraphs together, but how you express thoughts, make arguments, and even have fun. 

Some key lessons I’ve learned in over a decade of blogging:

  • If you’re writing about anything related to the people you work with (especially your manager), you might want to clear it with them first.
  • Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. Most of the comments I receive are positive or supportive but sometimes you get a rude one. Don’t let that stop you. It’s your blog!
  • Share, link, re-post, and re-write your content. It doesn’t take too long to build up an archive and lose some gems in the backlog of posts. 
  • Something you may be scared to post might become your most-viewed post.
  • It’s OK to switch niches. You’ll find your community in the process.

My blog has gone through a few different themes over the years. That’s because my life has taken twists and turns. I went from writing about IT manufacturing to virtual reality and working in a startup. When I had my son, I quit my startup. I was afraid I wouldn’t have anything to blog about because my work was my content. So, I wrote about being a military spouse and mother. 

My submission features on Military Moms Blog

I continued to write about virtual reality. I reviewed books and was invited to speak. For the first time in my life, I wasn’t tied to a company, so I could say exactly what I thought about the industry. Suddenly, people were reaching out to me for advice about their VR projects. I landed my first client (who still is today) who asked me to do some writing for her. 

My blog, which I thought was dead, became alive again. I was blogging almost daily about virtual and augmented reality, emerging technology, and its impact on businesses like manufacturing and marketing. Sticking with my blog launched me into my career 3.0. 

My blogging tips and advice for bloggers

There are a lot of people who know how to start a blog. If you want your blog to make money, there are templates for that like how to use affiliate programs, guest posts, and sponsored posts. I would suggest, if you’re starting today ask yourself, what are you blogging for? 

  • Are you blogging for fun?
  • Do you want to be a thought leader?
  • Do you want to use a blog as a testing ground for a side project?
  • Do you want to make money? 

For any blog to be successful, you have to be true to yourself. Write about what’s important to you, something you have a lot of knowledge about, topics that don’t take a lot of research to write. That’s probably your niche. 

Tips for Aspiring Bloggers

  • Follow other bloggers. These could be bloggers in your niche or any blog you enjoy. That could be the style of the blogger, how they format their posts and their style. I learned about blogging challenges by following people out of my niche and was able to apply those challenges to my blog. 
  • Learn how to write for the web. That means using bullets and numbers, writing in shorter paragraphs, and using headers. Styles change on how many images or infographics to use. I see a lot of text-based blogs these days. That can still have a lot of impact playing with fonts. 
  • Share your work. Share your posts on your socials. Email them out. Ask people for feedback, to comment, and like your posts. It still feels weird when I do it but it’s a noisy world out there. To be noticed you have to be proactive.

Blogging Challenges 

There have been so many times over the years where I thought I would never have anything to write about. But then I read a book or someone else’s post, maybe something will happen at work and inspiration will strike. Sometimes, I’ll start writing, and the first paragraph will be fire…and then fizzle out. Sometimes blogging takes research or interviewing someone, but that helps complete a post. When I’m stuck, I use ChatGPT to brainstorm ideas or create outlines. But I still have to be passionate about the topic, even if AI helps me. 

Connect with your audience

There are a lot of fun ways to connect with your audience. Respond to comments in a thoughtful, timely manner. Add a contact form or way for readers to get in touch. WordPress has fun, interactive features like “claps” so people can interact with your posts if they don’t want to comment. One way I’ve enjoyed interacting with my audience is by adding guest posts to my site.

Dot blogging into the future

My blog will always be an outlet for me. My posting schedule ebbs and flows and I’ve decided that’s OK. It’s there when I need it. Nowadays I have so many posts, I’ve been going back and updating old ones to be more recent. I reshare them and no one knows the difference. It’s exciting to see interaction on posts I originally wrote years ago. 

As immersive technology becomes mainstream, there will always be something to write about. That reminds me. I have to make a post about my demo of the Apple Vision Pro… 



A Blogger’s Guide to Effective Research

Good research can help you create content that resonates with and informs your audience. In this guide, we look at the art of research and give you the tools, techniques, and sources. From efficient research methods to source-checking and using data to write unique stories, let’s master the research skills that will captivate your audience.

Understanding Your Audience

Understanding your audience is key. It helps you create content that resonates deeply and connects with readers. Tailor your blog posts to your readers’ needs, interests, and challenges. Develop an understanding of your audience. Then, you can make content that speaks to their interests and needs. Here are some tools that can help.

Analytics Tools

Use tools like Google Analytics to examine your audience’s demographics more deeply. Understand their age, location, interests, and behavior on your blog.

Surveys and Polls

Direct feedback is so useful. Use surveys or polls on your blog or social media platforms. Ask for readers’ favorite topics, feedback, and suggestions. Engagement

Dive into the comments section of your blog. Chat with your audience on social media. Pay attention to email feedback. These are rich sources of information about your audience’s wants, questions, and passion points.

Starting Your Research

Start by defining your topic or idea clearly. Consider what questions your audience may have or what problems they’re looking to solve. Once you’ve honed in on a specific theme, it’s time to gather information. Start by exploring reputable sources such as industry publications, academic journals, and reliable websites. Take notes, highlight key points, and collect relevant data that will add value to your content. Don’t forget to leverage different mediums like podcasts, videos, and infographics to gain a comprehensive understanding of your topic. Remember, thorough research is the foundation upon which compelling and informative blog posts are built.

Experimenting with Effective Research Methods

Here are some research methods and techniques to explore.

  • Review: Review existing research to build a solid foundation for your blog posts. Summarize and explain the research, giving your audience context and background.
  • Surveys and interviews: Talk with your audience or industry experts through surveys or interviews.
  • Observational research: Explore real-world events or behaviors. This can help you create original content and is especially effective for topics such as social trends, user behavior, or market dynamics.

Translating Your Research into Engaging Content

Your research is a gold mine of information, but how you present it makes all the difference. Storytelling can explain complex ideas in a relatable way, holding your audience’s attention from start to finish. Weave your data and insights into compelling stories. Aim for clarity and simplicity. Break down complicated ideas into small chunks for your readers.

You can also break up text and make your points with images, charts, and infographics. Visual aids add aesthetic appeal and make information more digestible and memorable.

Citing Sources and Providing References

Always tell your readers where the research came from. By citing sources, you’ll maintain credibility. 

Always credit the original authors or creators of any data, ideas, or quotes you use. This builds trust with your audience and can also help you avoid legal issues. When possible, link to your sources. This allows readers to learn more and shows your content is authentic.

Presenting Your Findings

The structure of your content matters. Structure makes content effective and readable. Use headings and subheadings to guide readers through the content. Bullet points can highlight key ideas or summarize important points.

Lead your audience smoothly from the introduction through the body to the end. Remember to add examples or case studies. These real-life stories improve your points and make complex points easier for the reader to understand.

Review and Revision

This is the final step before publishing your blog post. It is as critical as the research and writing. Review and revise your content so that it presents accurate and credible information. It’s important to be meticulous. Fine-tune your story to make sure your message is effective. Publish work that is free of errors.

Conducting Self-Revision and Peer Review

The review and revision stage will make your blog post the best it can be. Check that research is correct, points are easy to understand, and your writing is clear and compelling. 

  • Self-revision: After completing your draft, take a break to clear your mind. Return with fresh eyes. This can help you spot errors or areas that need clarification.
  • Peer review: Get feedback from friends, colleagues, or even your audience. This can give you new views of your work. They may find gaps in your logic, confusing sections, or have extra questions that your post can answer.
  • Use feedback: Constructive criticism is a goldmine for improvement. Use the feedback you get thoughtfully. Refine your post to make it clearer and more engaging. Remember, the goal is to make your content informative and reader-friendly.

In conclusion, mastering the art of research helps you create content that engages and enlightens your audience. Use research, find good sources, and turn facts into fun stories. Try some of these techniques to turn your content into a reliable and respected source for loyal readers.

The Most Popular Blogging Niches on .blog Domain Names

This month at .blog we are celebrating our seventh birthday, so what better time to dive in and find out what dotbloggers are blogging about, and to take a look back at some of our favorite .blog domains? From travel to IT, you can find .blog domains in every corner of the Internet. While blogs might not be for everyone, they are certainly for anyone. So, join us as we take a look at the most popular topics and blogging niches among dotbloggers today. 


If you’re into music, you’ll love Three college friends who bond over their love of the local music scene run the Texas-based site independently. Anyone, whether they’re from the Lone Star State or not, can appreciate their passion for arts and entertainment. They source music news that the mainstream media misses.

Services shows us how .blog is not only for bloggers, but for some businesses it can be a great choice as a primary domain name. Sav and Greg, a married couple from Denver, Colorado, offer bespoke photo and video services for elopements and small weddings. They use their blog to spotlight their skills, and help people plan their tiny weddings in beautiful destinations across the US.


Github is one of the world’s largest software development services. For their highly-regarded blog, they use a .blog domain. is for coders, developers, IT workers, and anyone with an interest in software. They can learn the ins and outs of the industry from experts in the field on this blog.


There are endless recipe blogs on the internet. But if you’re looking for a food blog that stands out with unique passion, then check out This blogger is on a mission to find the best donut in South Australia. They’re documenting every step of the delicious journey on a .blog domain.


Popular beauty brand This is Beauty uses as the perfect domain to share news and updates from the world of clean cosmetics. TIB is redefining the beauty industry. It has a focus on ethical products with a healthy disrespect for traditional beauty standards. If you’re bored of the status quo, you might prefer to listen to the experts at TIB.


Blogs are a form of entertainment in themselves. So, any blog in this category must be double the fun! Amy blogs at sharing reviews, ratings, and updates with other TV fans. And it’s not just brand-new shows that she’s interested in. If you’ve got a favorite old box set that you’re obsessed with, the chances are Amy’s covered that too.


Looking to transform your health? Need tips for new routines? Interested in effective self-care? Blogs are often the best place to look. proves this! It’s a blog where yoga experts share accessible information about health and mindfulness. The blog also offers bespoke yoga plans for new customers.


The University of Texas is revolutionizing the support and resources it offers its students with The educational site helps students and anyone else who needs it. This blog helps them prepare for their future career through practical tips and expert guides.


When there are no games on, the is the next best thing for sports fanatics. The site covers just about everything, from martial arts to cricket to American football. It has plenty of evergreen content among reviews and discussions. There will always be something new and relevant for readers to discover.


Bulgarian blogger Lyubomira launched to document her travels. She wants to share tips on how other wanderers can explore the world more sustainably. From off-the-beaten-track destinations to top travel tips, Lyubomira’s authentic and friendly voice shines through.

Real Estate 

Austrian-based provides information and resources that are useful for tenants, homeowners, landlords, and anyone with a connection to the world of real estate in Austria.

Using ChatGPT to Maximize Your Blogging Success

From generating content ideas to refining your writing style and helping with research, ChatGPT can help bloggers of all niches and expertise levels. This quick guide will help you produce polished content and improve your blogging game.

1. Generating Content Ideas

ChatGPT can help you brainstorm for your next blog post. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast, a fashionista, or a lifestyle blogger, ChatGPT can offer suggestions tailored to suit your audience’s interests. The more specific your questions, the more specific responses you will receive. Try some of these tips in your next content planning session.

Content Ideation Sessions

Host brainstorming sessions with ChatGPT, like you might with your team. Provide it with a broad theme or a question related to your niche, and let it generate a list of ideas. This is a quick way to jumpstart your content creation process.

Use Competitor Content for Inspiration 

Provide ChatGPT with titles or snippets from competitor blogs and ask it to generate related ideas. This can help you provide a new perspective or counterpoint to your competitors.

Content Series Planning

If you want to create a series of interconnected blog posts, ask ChatGPT. It can help you outline the sequence and structure of posts, ensuring they flow logically and provide value to readers.

2. Crafting an Effective Outline

A well-structured outline can be the difference between a compelling, coherent blog and a confusing jumble of ideas. 

Using ChatGPT to structure your blog post outlines will make it easier to organize your thoughts efficiently. This can help unblock writer’s block and allow you to focus on the creative aspects of writing. It’s quick and can save you time by brainstorming and organizing ideas, allowing you to shift your focus to the creative process.

Having ChatGPT take a first pass at your content outline can also help to surface new ideas and angles that you hadn’t considered before. This diversity in thought is great for keeping your audience engaged and attracting new readers.

If you have a broad topic in mind, ChatGPT can furnish you with subtopics, key points, and potential headings, transforming a basic idea into a comprehensive and well-structured piece. 

Consistency is another key advantage. ChatGPT doesn’t suffer from variations in inspiration or mood, and it is always on hand to help you get started with the writing process. This consistency is vital for maintaining a steady flow of content on your blog and ensuring your readers know to expect new content regularly.

3. Keyword Research and SEO

One of the fundamental pillars of successful blogging is optimizing your content for search engines. It is key to increasing visibility and driving organic traffic. ChatGPT offers a two-fold approach to keyword research and Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Firstly, ask ChatGPT to generate a wide range of relevant keywords based on your blog post topic. It can provide you with a list of keywords and phrases that can boost your content’s search engine rankings. This can also help you target search queries to attract a broader audience.

Secondly, ChatGPT can assist in adjusting your content for SEO. It can offer insights into keyword placement, density, and content structure. It can also suggest where to naturally place keywords within your content so that it aligns with search engine algorithms. ChatGPT can even help you craft meta descriptions, headings, and titles that are SEO-friendly and enticing to readers.

4. Polishing and Enhancing Content

Once you’ve crafted your blog post, the next step is polishing it to perfection. This is where ChatGPT can act as your virtual writing assistant. It can offer valuable help with grammar checks, style suggestions, and content enhancements. 

ChatGPT can catch grammar and spelling errors that might slip through during self-editing. As well as proofreading, ChatGPT can also provide style suggestions, helping you refine your writing to make it more engaging and reader-friendly. 

5. Social Media and Promotion Strategies

Try using ChatGPT to generate attention-grabbing headlines and captivating captions for your social media posts. Simply provide your content or a brief description of the message you want to convey. ChatGPT can then offer different headline options tailored to your target audience. 

One of the best ways to create engaging social posts that stand out from the crowd is to use a storytelling approach. Ask ChatGPT to create compelling social media content from a narrative or anecdote on your blog. 

You could also use ChatGPT to understand the optimal times to schedule posts so that they align with your audience’s peak engagement.

Adding ChatGPT to your blogging toolkit could be transformative for your writing. From generating innovative content ideas to refining your writing and optimizing it for SEO, AI can give bloggers an extra tool to succeed. 

The Secrets to Crafting Engaging Blog Content

Creating engaging blog content is the secret to making your voice heard. From catchy headlines to weaving narratives, this article explores how to craft blog posts that engage, inform, and keep readers coming back.

Understanding your audience

Before you can create content that resonates with your audience, outline exactly who they are and what they want. List the types of people you want to connect with through your blog. What are their demographics, interests, and pain points? 

Once you have a clear picture of your audience, you can create reader personas. These are fictional representations of your ideal readers. Think about demographics, behaviors, and preferences. Personas can act as your guide to writing content. They also provide a deeper understanding of what your audience values. By tailoring your content to their needs and interests, it becomes more relatable and engaging.

Understanding your audience’s interests is important. You’ll need to explore the topics, trends, and questions that they want to know about. Targeted keyword research is the best method. Use tools like Google Search Console and SEMRush to see which keywords are trending. Then, consider how they can fit into your writing niche. That way, you can ensure your content addresses your reader’s concerns and offers solutions. This makes your blog a valuable resource that will keep readers coming back for more. 

Crafting catchy headlines

When it comes to digital content, readers will almost always judge your blog post by its headline. Writing compelling headlines is essential. They can be intriguing, spark curiosity, and convey the overall idea of your content. The most attention-grabbing titles are concise but impactful. Use powerful adjectives, action words, and numbers when appropriate. For example, “Seven Proven Strategies to Skyrocket Your Productivity” is compelling. Readers are more likely to click that than “Seven Productivity Tips.”

Keywords are useful for understanding your audience’s needs. So, they will come into play when writing your headline. Strategically place SEO keywords in your title. Your blog will then be more likely to show up in relevant searches.  

Structuring your content

A well-structured blog post is key. Consider structure carefully. When structuring your blog, consider the order and flow of each point. This will help it deliver maximum impact while remaining reader-friendly throughout. 

Creating a well-structured blog post

Start with a strong introduction that grabs your readers’ attention. This sets the tone for your blog and lets them know what they could gain from reading the whole post. The intro is your chance to make a promise, ask a question, or share an intriguing anecdote. It draws them in and keeps them reading.

Organizing content using headings and subheadings

Organize your content using headings and subheadings. They serve as signposts, breaking down content into digestible sections. They also make it scannable. Readers can quickly identify the parts that interest them most, which enhances the user experience. H2 and H3 headlines are also an element of SEO. This will make your article more discoverable by search engines.

The importance of a strong introduction and conclusion

A well-structured blog post ends with a robust conclusion. This is where you summarize the key takeaways, reinforce your main points, and leave readers with a lasting impression. It’s your opportunity to inspire action. 

When writing your conclusion, look back at your intro. Ask yourself, how have I responded to the promises, questions, and other info that hooked the reader initially?

Engaging storytelling

Engaging storytelling is the heart and soul of compelling blog content. It transforms ordinary posts into memorable narratives that resonate with readers. Storytelling can help to create a genuine connection by evoking emotions in your readers.

To make your storytelling more effective, bring some of your authentic personality into your writing. Whether you’re witty, serious, or informative, consistency is key. Find and maintain your unique tone. It will reflect your voice and values so that readers can recognize your style across your blog. Writing in your true personal voice will come naturally. This makes it much easier to maintain a consistent tone.

Another way to bring a personal touch to your blog is by sharing personal anecdotes or experiences. Personal stories make your content authentic and engaging. Readers can then connect with your experiences and insights. Be open when sharing your journey. Explore your struggles and successes to create a captivating narrative for readers. 

Maximizing visual content

Images and videos that support your written content can also increase engagement.

Images, videos, and infographics

Images, videos, and infographics breathe life into your blog. They make it more engaging, memorable, and shareable. Images can illustrate your points, evoke emotions, and break up text. 

Videos and infographics are especially useful for breaking down complex information. This also adds an increased layer of accessibility to your content. People with varied abilities or different languages can then connect with your work.

Copyright considerations

While visual content is a powerful tool, it’s important to respect copyright laws. Make sure that you have the right to use the images, videos, or infographics in your blog. This can involve purchasing licenses, using royalty-free sources, or simply creating your own visuals. Plagiarism or copyright infringement can have serious consequences. Tread carefully and ethically when choosing the best visual content to maximize your blogging.

Keeping it concise

Always bear in mind that online readers have limited attention spans. So, your ability to convey information concisely is paramount. Here’s how you can keep your blog content accessible and engaging with shorter posts.

Writing for online readers – the F-pattern

Online readers skim. Think about how you like to read blogs. You’ll probably find that large walls of text are off-putting. The F-pattern is a well-documented eye-tracking pattern. It shows that readers mainly focus on the first few lines of text and then quickly scan the left side of the content. 

Adapt your blog to this behavior. Begin with a compelling hook in your opening paragraph. Then, structure your content with concise paragraphs and clear subheadings. Use descriptive subheadings that allow readers to skim and find the info they are looking for. Keep sentences and paragraphs brief. Eliminate any unnecessary fluff.

Bullet points, lists, and formatting techniques

Formatting techniques like bullet points and numbered lists break down your text. They make it more scannable and digestible. This can also help you present information in a more structured and organized manner. It ensures that your key points stand out. These formatting techniques can help you maintain the flow of your content. A good flow keeps readers engaged and prevents them from feeling overwhelmed by long, dense paragraphs.

Crafting engaging blogs for your readers is an art. Understand your audience and embrace the power of storytelling. These tips and tools can help your blog develop connections, inspire action, and stand the test of time.  

Seven Top Tips for Managing Blogger’s Block

If you’re a blogger, you have probably experienced blogger’s block at one time or another. It could be that feeling that you are stuck for an idea, or you may have a great idea but just can’t seem to bring it to life. During periods of blogger’s block, a writer may find it impossible to write new content that they deem publishable. Often, a lack of inspiration is what causes the block; however, different writers may find that different mental hurdles contribute to the condition. 

In this blog, we look into the psychology behind blogger’s block, exploring practical strategies to rekindle your creativity and reignite your passion for writing. So next time you find yourself lost for words, you’ll be better equipped to handle and overcome the challenge.

1. Time Management and Productivity

For writers in the midst of blogger’s block, efficient time management can be the key to unlocking that elusive inspiration. It might not sound like a particularly creative solution, but over the centuries, various writers have shared their methods of overcoming the hurdle. Two such techniques are the Pomodoro Technique and the Eisenhower Matrix.

The Pomodoro Technique

This time management method revolves around structured work intervals of 25 minutes, followed by a short 5-minute break. Writers – or workers of any kind who are struggling to stay motivated – should complete four of these cycles, and then take an extended break of 15-30 minutes. 

By breaking work into these bite-sized segments, bloggers might find it easier to focus during the work intervals. The pressure of producing content is lifted by the reward of regular breaks which also helps to prevent burnout. This makes it easier to tackle challenging writing tasks, increases productivity, and can reduce writing anxiety. 

The Eisenhower Matrix

This technique, popularized by U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower, classifies tasks into four categories: urgent and important, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, or neither. 

Ranking tasks based on their urgency and importance allows you to gain a clearer perspective on your to-do list. Rather than viewing it as a long list that needs to be ticked off chronologically, this method makes it easier to prioritize effectively, so that working time is devoted to tasks that truly matter. 

The Eisenhower Matrix can also be combined with other techniques, like the Pomodoro Technique, to maximize time management and tackle writing challenges more efficiently.

2. Staying Motivated

Maintaining motivation in the face of blogger’s block might sound impossible. But it’s an important step for writers who need to create consistent and inspired content. So even when sitting down at the desk feels like the last thing you want to do, there are several techniques that can help reignite your enthusiasm for the craft.

Keep a journal

Keeping a journal dedicated to your blogging journey can be a powerful motivator. Many bloggers find that this is a great way to document ideas, track progress, and reflect on any successes and challenges. This practice not only provides clarity but also serves as a tangible reminder of why you write – and encourages you to pick up the pen (or turn to the keyboard) in the first place.

Develop rituals

Incorporating rituals into your pre-writing routine can signal to the brain that it’s time to shift into creative mode. It might be going out for a walk, making a cup of coffee, or something else that inspires a sense of motivation and draws an end to your previous activities.

Take breaks

Stepping away from the screen for short breaks can do wonders for your motivation. Taking the time to recharge can reduce stress and burnout, so you can return to work with fresh eyes and renewed energy. 

Set small goals

Breaking down the writing process into manageable, bite-sized goals can prevent overwhelm. Achieving small milestones provides a sense of accomplishment, and in turn reinforces your belief in your ability to overcome challenges.

Remember your why

Sometimes, simply revisiting the initial reasons why you started blogging is enough to reignite your passion. Reflecting on the impact you hope to make with your writing or the topics you’re genuinely passionate about may remind you of your original purpose and get your creative juices flowing.

3. Overcoming Self-Doubt

Creative pursuits can have us questioning if we’re really good enough and why we even started blogging in the first place. The good news is there are certain techniques that may help you overcome self-doubt.

Free writing

Free writing is a liberating exercise that involves setting aside a specific period, say 10 to 15 minutes, to write without judgment or self-criticism. The goal is to let your thoughts flow freely, even if they initially seem disjointed or unrelated. It’s a powerful method that has been used by the likes of Ernest Hemingway to motivate the mind to break free from mental constraints and rekindle a creative spark.

The practice encourages bloggers to bypass their inner critic and embrace a spontaneous, unfiltered stream of consciousness. As they start free writing, bloggers often stumble upon hidden gems of creativity and ideas that otherwise may have remained buried. 

4. Managing Large Tasks

Tackling big writing projects can be daunting, but by incorporating these techniques, you might find larger tasks become much more manageable.


The concept of chunking is exactly what it sounds like, you simply break the large task into smaller, bite-sized chunks. For instance, if you’re writing a comprehensive guide, divide it into sections or chapters. By focusing on one piece at a time and viewing a larger project as a collection of smaller and easier-to-manage sections, it’s easier to maintain clarity and prevent overwhelm.

Storyboard with sticky notes

Visual thinkers can benefit from storyboarding to help organize their writing process. Use sticky notes to jot down content ideas, organize thoughts, and outline the structure of your blog post. This not only helps you to understand your work in smaller segments – similar to chunking – but it also allows you to rearrange your notes to find the most logical flow.

Set achievable milestones 

Before you get to work, define what you aim to accomplish in each writing session. That could be an hour, a day, a week, or even longer. Essentially, this is a detailed to-do list that sets out exactly what you want to have done in each timeframe. It could be drafting a specific section of your blog, completing a certain number of drafts, or hitting a word count target. As you tick off these milestones, you’ll find a sense of accomplishment that helps maintain motivation.

5. Brainstorming Techniques

Practical brainstorming techniques, such as mind mapping and keyword research, can offer creative ways to generate new ideas when you’re in the midst of blogger’s block. This can help you to develop engaging and relevant content that resonates with your audience, even when your motivation feels lower than usual.

Mind mapping

Mind mapping starts with a central topic or idea and branches out. Eventually, you’ll be left with a visual representation of all the related subtopics and concepts that surround your initial idea. Mind maps can help bloggers see the connections between their ideas, sparking creativity by providing a more structured framework for brainstorming. It’s especially effective if you work as part of a team as it allows a diverse array of perspectives to intertwine in one map.

Keyword research

Leveraging popular keywords through tools like AnswerThePublic and BuzzSumo are popular with bloggers. It helps you to find phrases and topics related to your niche or industry, which can help guide content creation. By aligning content with what your audience is actively searching for, you increase the likelihood of engagement and visibility.

Content planning tools

If you’re a creative thinker whose ideas can be hard to pin down, tools like Trello, CoSchedule, or editorial calendars can help you create a structured content strategy. They also offer other benefits, including post-scheduling and progress tracking so you can maintain consistency in your publishing schedule.

6. Writing Exercises

Writing prompts can stimulate creativity and motivation. Here are examples of potential prompts tailored to various topics:

Prompts for travel bloggers

1. “Describe the most exciting adventure you’ve ever been on.”

2. “Create a fictional travel itinerary for an imaginary destination.”

3. “Share a memorable encounter with a person from your travels.”

Prompts for food bloggers

1. “Write a sensory-rich review of your favorite dish in 100 words.”

2. “Craft a narrative around the history of a beloved family recipe.”

3. “Share a culinary disaster and the lessons you learned from it.”

Prompts for lifestyle bloggers

1. “Reflect on a life-changing decision you made and its impact.”

2. “Write a letter to your younger self with advice and encouragement.”

3. “Describe your ideal day from morning to night, including activities and emotions.”

7. Changing Your Environment

Novelty sparks creativity, and the physical space in which we write can have a profound impact on our creativity and motivation. Breaking away from the familiar confines of a home office or workspace can breathe new life into your writing.

Try working from a café, a park bench, or a co-working space to introduce new elements to your writing routine. These novel surroundings are more likely to stimulate your senses and provoke fresh perspectives than your usual office, making it easier to generate creative ideas.

Overcoming writer’s block requires a versatile toolkit. The good news is there are a number of methods and techniques that you just might find help. Next time you find yourself stuck for an idea, why not try some of these tips.

How Bluesky and .Blog Domains Can Shape Your Online Identity

Big things are happening in the digital world. Bluesky, a project by former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey that is on a mission to change how social media works. Instead of big companies controlling everything, Bluesky wants to give users more control. And your .blog domain can be part of the movement. 

What is Bluesky?

Right now, big companies control most social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. They make the rules, decide what content gets shown, and have a lot of power over how users interact online. 

But Bluesky wants to make social media more open and decentralized. Their goal is to create a new system where different social media platforms can work together in a fairer way. Imagine if, instead of just one company running the show, many platforms could communicate and share information so that no single company has all the control.

Ultimately, Bluesky wants social media users to have more say in what they see and share. They’re also exploring ways to use advanced technology to prevent harmful or misleading content from spreading to build a friendlier and fairer online space for everyone.

How’s it different from other social media sites?

Bluesky is not its own social media platform. It’s a separate project that aims to develop a new kind of technology or protocol for social media. This technology could be used by different existing social media platforms to help them work together in a more decentralized and open way.

In other words, Bluesky is like a set of rules and tools that social media platforms could use to connect with each other and give users more control over their content. So, while Bluesky itself is not a social media platform, it could potentially influence how various platforms operate in the future.

Using domain names as social handles

A key feature of Bluesky is providing the ability to use a custom domain as your social handle. 

Using your domain name as your social media handle can offer several benefits:

Personal Branding

Having a unique domain name as your social media handle allows you to create a consistent and memorable personal brand across different platforms. It’s like having your own online identity that’s easy for people to remember.


When you use your own domain name, you have more control over how your online presence looks and feels. You can customize your website to reflect your personality, showcase your work, and share your thoughts exactly how you want.


A personalized domain name can make you look more professional and credible when it comes to your online presence. It shows that you’ve invested time and effort into establishing your digital identity.

Ownership and Privacy

When you use social media platforms, they technically own your content. With your domain, you own your website and the content you share, giving you more control over your data and privacy.


Social media platforms come and go. Having your own domain name ensures that your online presence remains consistent even if platforms change or shut down.


Your own domain gives you the freedom to express yourself fully without restrictions, enabling you to share longer-form content, portfolios, blogs, and more. It also means that anyone who discovers you on social media will immediately know what website to find you at, and vice versa.

The benefit of using a .blog domain as your social handle

The benefit of a .blog domain as your social handle is that it immediately tells people that blogging is your thing. It also helps to boost your credibility as a professional blogger (even if it’s not your literal profession) as your .blog domain helps to align you with other well-known bloggers.

So instead of just choosing the title of your blog as your social media handle, stand out from the crowd and use your unique .blog domain name. It aligns your social channels with your blog, helping to boost traffic and discoverability.  

So as the digital landscape, and social media in particular, continues to grow and change, using a .blog domain keeps you ready for whatever comes next. Ready to take charge of your online identity? Embrace the future of social media with Bluesky and your .blog domain name. 

From Ideation to Publication: Essential Tools for Streamlining Your Content Creation and Publishing Journey

For bloggers, getting content written and published quickly and smoothly, without compromising on quality, is essential. When you’re able to get your content out there without a hitch, your audience will have a consistent stream of content to engage with, and you’ll have more material to maximize your impact online.

The good news is, there are a wide range of tools designed to help you streamline your content creation and publication more easily. They include calendars that show when each item will be published, project management tools to help you work more efficiently within teams, and platforms that can improve your writing, pictures and videos, and even your discoverability.

In this article, we’ll look at some of the tools that can boost your content creation and publishing. They’ll save you time, keep your brand consistent and cohesive, and most importantly, get your work out to the people who you want to see it.

1. Content Calendar Management

Content calendar management is a game-changer when it comes to planning your content effectively. It can provide a map to guide you through your content creation journey so you can organize your content schedule, set deadlines, and assign tasks if you are working in a team. These tools keep everyone on the same page, making collaboration a breeze. 

  • Google Sheets provides a versatile and easy-to-use spreadsheet layout for straightforward planning. 
  • Trello offers Kanban-style boards that let you track tasks visually. It’s great for quick content status updates. 
  • Monday enables customization of workflows that are adaptable to your team’s varying needs, helping you to streamline your collaboration. 
  • Airtable‘s flexible database structure allows for more intricate content planning, so nothing slips through the cracks. 

2. Keyword Research 

Keyword research can increase your content discoverability by helping you understand what people are searching for online. By including relevant keywords, your content becomes more visible in search results, attracting a larger audience. Top tools for effective keyword research include:

  • Google Trends analyzes keyword popularity over time and by location.
  • AnswerThePublic generates content ideas based on user queries.
  • Keyword Planner is another Google tool for finding keyword ideas and estimating search volume.
  • SEMrush offers in-depth keyword analysis and competitive insights.

3. Grammar and Spell Checkers

Grammar and spell checkers can enhance your writing quality and accuracy. These tools meticulously scan your content, catching typos, grammar mistakes, and even suggesting better word choices. They can transform ordinary text into polished, professional content, making your message clear and impactful. 

Popular tools like Grammarly and Writer not only correct errors but also offer insights into sentence structure, style enhancements, and tone adjustments to help you learn. With real-time feedback, they ensure your writing is error-free, coherent, and engaging. By picking up on language errors, these tools can increase your credibility, and help to convey your message flawlessly.

4. Visual Content 

Visually appealing graphics are crucial for impactful content. They captivate your reader’s attention, can help simplify complex ideas, and are proven to enhance engagement. Design tools make it easier to create effortless visuals, especially if design isn’t your forte. 

  • Canva is an all-in-one graphic design platform that offers a wide range of templates, images, and design elements for creating social media posts, presentations, posters, and more.
  • Vista Create provides a range of templates, images, and design elements so you can create visually appealing content like social media graphics, promotional materials, and imagery to match your blog posts.
  • Unsplash provides a treasure trove of high-quality stock images for free, so you can easily find a license-free image to match your content. 

5. Video Editing 

Video content enriches your content output, and can help bloggers deliver information in an engaging and dynamic format. It captures attention, increases understanding of different topics, and appeals to diverse audiences. For effective video creation, consider these tools:

  • CapCut is a mobile video editing app with a wide range of features and effects.
  • InShot is a versatile mobile video editor for creating content on the go.
  • Final Cut Pro is a powerful video editing tool for Mac users.
  • iMovie is a free user-friendly video editing software for Mac.

6. Newsletters

Sending regular newsletters to your subscribers is a great way to keep them in the loop. It delivers your content updates directly to their inbox, making conversion to web traffic even easier. Creating newsletters requires a blend of design, content creation, and email marketing capabilities. Try Newsletter, a place to write and build an audience, that comes with the flexibility of WordPress.

7. Social Media Management 

The best way to share content across social platforms is by scheduling posts strategically. Use social media management tools to plan, create, and automate posts for optimal reach, so your blogs can be found by wider audiences.

  • Buffer allows users to schedule and manage content across multiple platforms, and track engagement.
  • Later lets you plan and schedule visual content, especially for Instagram.
  • Sprout Social offers social media scheduling, engagement, and analytics.
  • SocialBee lets you schedule content in categories for targeted posting.

In the ever-evolving world of content creation and publishing, the right tools can be your greatest allies. They streamline processes, enhance your content quality, and amplify your reach. Start exploring these tools today for an efficient and rewarding content journey.

What are the most popular categories of .blog premium names?

Your domain name is like a piece of digital real estate, which is why so many bloggers choose a .blog domain. For a blog name that is really impactful, though some bloggers go the extra step and choose a .blog premium name. 

A domain name is not just an address; it’s a powerful branding tool that can play a key role in a blog’s success. Selecting the perfect .blog domain is a crucial step that can define a blogger’s journey and engage their audience from the very outset. A .blog premium name can signal your expertise in your chosen niche, or become a tool for building a personal brand around your own name.

In this post we take a look at the most popular categories of premium .blog domains, and learn how to discover your own.

Types of .blog names

Selecting a domain name related to your blog’s theme immediately conveys your blog’s purpose, making it easily discoverable by your target audience. A relevant and memorable domain enhances brand recognition, may boost SEO rankings, and help your target audience to find you.

Blogging Related Terms

It’s no surprise that some of the most popular premium .blog domains are blogging words! This graphic shows some of the .blog premium names already snapped up in this category. These names speak to the curiosity and creativity of dotbloggers. Choose a blogging word as a domain name to highlight your expertise in content creation.

Visit the premium name discovery tool on to find more premium domains in this category. Try search terms like; “blogging”, “internet” or “writing” to see available premium names in these categories.

Names and Places

Your name is your most natural and original brand. It’s a key element of who you are, making it an authentic and effortless way to represent yourself and your content. While trends and topics may change over time, your name remains constant. This gives your blog a sense of permanence and long-term identity, even as your content evolves. Whether you’re mentioning your blog in conversation, on social media, or in interviews, there is nothing simpler or more intuitive than “your name” + .blog. Similarly, choosing a location as your blog domain name can be advantageous because it immediately establishes your demographic, helps appeal to local audiences, and conveys a sense of authenticity and authority. This could attract readers interested in that specific area, but it is also vague enough that it could simply denote where you are.

Use the search tool to see if your name is available. Try first names, last names, nick names, or even initials.

Business Verticals

With a domain name that clearly represents your “business vertical,” you’re more likely to attract readers who are genuinely interested in the content you provide, leading to higher engagement levels. Your blog can become a go-to resource for information, insights, and updates related to your “business vertical,” positioning you as a thought leader in the industry.

Here are some of the verticals where .blog names are most visible.

Technology and innovation

Health, wellness, and lifestyle

Selecting the right domain name for your blog is a pivotal decision that can impact your success. Whether you opt for a location, business vertical, or themed domain, each approach offers unique benefits. A well-chosen domain creates brand recognition, boosts search rankings, and establishes your authority in the industry. So embrace the power of a compelling domain, and start your blogging journey where your voice reaches and resonates with the perfect audience.

The Power of Premium Names for Blogging Success

In the vast blogging landscape, a memorable online address can help your blog to stand out and attract the right audience. This week we explore how a .blog premium domain name can elevate your online presence, enhance credibility, and increase discoverability.  
A premium domain name is a valuable domain name characterized by its short length, keyword relevance, brandability, memorability, and potential for attracting web traffic. They are often common words or keywords relevant to specific industries or niches. A .blog premium name can be instrumental in enhancing personal branding for bloggers or establishing an expert presence within a specific niche.  

Standing out in the crowd

Every domain name is unique, but a short, memorable, relevant domain that tells the story of who you are or what you do can set you apart from the masses, immediately capture the essence of your content and brand, and help you define a distinctive niche that resonates with your target audience. 

Beyond standing out, a premium .blog name also has the power to grab attention and leave a lasting impression on potential readers. It can pique curiosity and intrigue, compelling users to click through and explore your content further.

A memorable blog name also makes it easier for readers to return to your blog. Familiarity also fosters a sense of trust and loyalty and increases the chances of readers recommending your blog to others. Then, as they come across your name repeatedly, whether through social media, search results, or word-of-mouth recommendations, it will reinforce your presence.

Boost your credibility and professional feel

A premium .blog name can impact how your blog is perceived. If you are seeking to establish yourself as a subject matter expert through your blog, choosing a .blog domain name that describes your area of expertise instantly signals to readers that your blog is a resource on that topic and presents you as an authoritative voice. One blogger did just that with Before even clicking on that link, you already know what the website is about – sailing, and what format it will take – a blog. 

A premium .blog domain name can contribute to building trust and authority within your niche. This means readers are more likely to view your content as valuable and authoritative, enticing them to return for more insights and advice.

Branding and monetization

Your domain name will act as a foundational element of your brand identity and can be used to reflect the essence of your blog’s content and values. It will make it more memorable and easily recognizable and has the potential to help attract a loyal community of followers who resonate with your brand.

If you’re interested in monetizing your content or seeking brand partnerships, a premium .blog name can help. Your blog’s name has the power to elevate its overall marketability. It positions your brand as reputable and influential and makes it more appealing to potential sponsors. A strong name enhances brand recall, driving increased traffic and engagement, which are factors that sponsors and brand partners may consider when looking for collaborators.

Creating a memorable online presence

A premium .blog name can become a powerful tool to promote your blog through word-of-mouth marketing, as readers are more likely to share and recommend a blog with an engaging name. The uniqueness and professional feel of a premium .blog name can also spark conversations, leading to increased visibility and attracting new audiences, which can enhance your blog’s reach and influence.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to elevate your online presence. Discover .blog premium names at