Seven Top Tips for Managing Blogger’s Block

If you’re a blogger, you have probably experienced blogger’s block at one time or another. It could be that feeling that you are stuck for an idea, or you may have a great idea but just can’t seem to bring it to life. During periods of blogger’s block, a writer may find it impossible to write new content that they deem publishable. Often, a lack of inspiration is what causes the block; however, different writers may find that different mental hurdles contribute to the condition. 

In this blog, we look into the psychology behind blogger’s block, exploring practical strategies to rekindle your creativity and reignite your passion for writing. So next time you find yourself lost for words, you’ll be better equipped to handle and overcome the challenge.

1. Time Management and Productivity

For writers in the midst of blogger’s block, efficient time management can be the key to unlocking that elusive inspiration. It might not sound like a particularly creative solution, but over the centuries, various writers have shared their methods of overcoming the hurdle. Two such techniques are the Pomodoro Technique and the Eisenhower Matrix.

The Pomodoro Technique

This time management method revolves around structured work intervals of 25 minutes, followed by a short 5-minute break. Writers – or workers of any kind who are struggling to stay motivated – should complete four of these cycles, and then take an extended break of 15-30 minutes. 

By breaking work into these bite-sized segments, bloggers might find it easier to focus during the work intervals. The pressure of producing content is lifted by the reward of regular breaks which also helps to prevent burnout. This makes it easier to tackle challenging writing tasks, increases productivity, and can reduce writing anxiety. 

The Eisenhower Matrix

This technique, popularized by U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower, classifies tasks into four categories: urgent and important, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, or neither. 

Ranking tasks based on their urgency and importance allows you to gain a clearer perspective on your to-do list. Rather than viewing it as a long list that needs to be ticked off chronologically, this method makes it easier to prioritize effectively, so that working time is devoted to tasks that truly matter. 

The Eisenhower Matrix can also be combined with other techniques, like the Pomodoro Technique, to maximize time management and tackle writing challenges more efficiently.

2. Staying Motivated

Maintaining motivation in the face of blogger’s block might sound impossible. But it’s an important step for writers who need to create consistent and inspired content. So even when sitting down at the desk feels like the last thing you want to do, there are several techniques that can help reignite your enthusiasm for the craft.

Keep a journal

Keeping a journal dedicated to your blogging journey can be a powerful motivator. Many bloggers find that this is a great way to document ideas, track progress, and reflect on any successes and challenges. This practice not only provides clarity but also serves as a tangible reminder of why you write – and encourages you to pick up the pen (or turn to the keyboard) in the first place.

Develop rituals

Incorporating rituals into your pre-writing routine can signal to the brain that it’s time to shift into creative mode. It might be going out for a walk, making a cup of coffee, or something else that inspires a sense of motivation and draws an end to your previous activities.

Take breaks

Stepping away from the screen for short breaks can do wonders for your motivation. Taking the time to recharge can reduce stress and burnout, so you can return to work with fresh eyes and renewed energy. 

Set small goals

Breaking down the writing process into manageable, bite-sized goals can prevent overwhelm. Achieving small milestones provides a sense of accomplishment, and in turn reinforces your belief in your ability to overcome challenges.

Remember your why

Sometimes, simply revisiting the initial reasons why you started blogging is enough to reignite your passion. Reflecting on the impact you hope to make with your writing or the topics you’re genuinely passionate about may remind you of your original purpose and get your creative juices flowing.

3. Overcoming Self-Doubt

Creative pursuits can have us questioning if we’re really good enough and why we even started blogging in the first place. The good news is there are certain techniques that may help you overcome self-doubt.

Free writing

Free writing is a liberating exercise that involves setting aside a specific period, say 10 to 15 minutes, to write without judgment or self-criticism. The goal is to let your thoughts flow freely, even if they initially seem disjointed or unrelated. It’s a powerful method that has been used by the likes of Ernest Hemingway to motivate the mind to break free from mental constraints and rekindle a creative spark.

The practice encourages bloggers to bypass their inner critic and embrace a spontaneous, unfiltered stream of consciousness. As they start free writing, bloggers often stumble upon hidden gems of creativity and ideas that otherwise may have remained buried. 

4. Managing Large Tasks

Tackling big writing projects can be daunting, but by incorporating these techniques, you might find larger tasks become much more manageable.


The concept of chunking is exactly what it sounds like, you simply break the large task into smaller, bite-sized chunks. For instance, if you’re writing a comprehensive guide, divide it into sections or chapters. By focusing on one piece at a time and viewing a larger project as a collection of smaller and easier-to-manage sections, it’s easier to maintain clarity and prevent overwhelm.

Storyboard with sticky notes

Visual thinkers can benefit from storyboarding to help organize their writing process. Use sticky notes to jot down content ideas, organize thoughts, and outline the structure of your blog post. This not only helps you to understand your work in smaller segments – similar to chunking – but it also allows you to rearrange your notes to find the most logical flow.

Set achievable milestones 

Before you get to work, define what you aim to accomplish in each writing session. That could be an hour, a day, a week, or even longer. Essentially, this is a detailed to-do list that sets out exactly what you want to have done in each timeframe. It could be drafting a specific section of your blog, completing a certain number of drafts, or hitting a word count target. As you tick off these milestones, you’ll find a sense of accomplishment that helps maintain motivation.

5. Brainstorming Techniques

Practical brainstorming techniques, such as mind mapping and keyword research, can offer creative ways to generate new ideas when you’re in the midst of blogger’s block. This can help you to develop engaging and relevant content that resonates with your audience, even when your motivation feels lower than usual.

Mind mapping

Mind mapping starts with a central topic or idea and branches out. Eventually, you’ll be left with a visual representation of all the related subtopics and concepts that surround your initial idea. Mind maps can help bloggers see the connections between their ideas, sparking creativity by providing a more structured framework for brainstorming. It’s especially effective if you work as part of a team as it allows a diverse array of perspectives to intertwine in one map.

Keyword research

Leveraging popular keywords through tools like AnswerThePublic and BuzzSumo are popular with bloggers. It helps you to find phrases and topics related to your niche or industry, which can help guide content creation. By aligning content with what your audience is actively searching for, you increase the likelihood of engagement and visibility.

Content planning tools

If you’re a creative thinker whose ideas can be hard to pin down, tools like Trello, CoSchedule, or editorial calendars can help you create a structured content strategy. They also offer other benefits, including post-scheduling and progress tracking so you can maintain consistency in your publishing schedule.

6. Writing Exercises

Writing prompts can stimulate creativity and motivation. Here are examples of potential prompts tailored to various topics:

Prompts for travel bloggers

1. “Describe the most exciting adventure you’ve ever been on.”

2. “Create a fictional travel itinerary for an imaginary destination.”

3. “Share a memorable encounter with a person from your travels.”

Prompts for food bloggers

1. “Write a sensory-rich review of your favorite dish in 100 words.”

2. “Craft a narrative around the history of a beloved family recipe.”

3. “Share a culinary disaster and the lessons you learned from it.”

Prompts for lifestyle bloggers

1. “Reflect on a life-changing decision you made and its impact.”

2. “Write a letter to your younger self with advice and encouragement.”

3. “Describe your ideal day from morning to night, including activities and emotions.”

7. Changing Your Environment

Novelty sparks creativity, and the physical space in which we write can have a profound impact on our creativity and motivation. Breaking away from the familiar confines of a home office or workspace can breathe new life into your writing.

Try working from a café, a park bench, or a co-working space to introduce new elements to your writing routine. These novel surroundings are more likely to stimulate your senses and provoke fresh perspectives than your usual office, making it easier to generate creative ideas.

Overcoming writer’s block requires a versatile toolkit. The good news is there are a number of methods and techniques that you just might find help. Next time you find yourself stuck for an idea, why not try some of these tips.